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Meet my patient from Salford

This patient is very active.  His work involves lots of walking and pushing heavy weights. He’s also a regular runner and takes regular, active holidays abroad and in the UK. He makes the most of life his way. He’s in great shape and so are his feet. He’s a Footrespect regular for callous and corn removal and nail care.

Callous and corns form due to constant friction in particular patches and will be painful if left untreated. People develop them at different rates. Callous is a leathery build-up of hard skin, often orangey in appearance. Corns feel like fire and have a central core which needs to be removed. You can prevent both yourself to some extent by using foot files, plasters and moisturiser. Eventually they’ll need to be removed properly.

We always laugh and it’s a privilege helping him stay active, well and cheerful.

Caring for your feet if you’re athletic;

a) wear comfortable, well fitting footwear appropriate for your sport.
b) the same goes for socks, which are often an afterthought.
c) deal with niggles as they arise; painful nails, blisters, callous and corns.
d) keep feet clean and moisturised.
e) don’t allow feet, socks and footwear to linger in damp/wet conditions.  Dry your footwear.
f) If skin becomes soft and soggy, wipe over regularly with surgical spirit to toughen the skin.
g) consider a little talc in your socks.
h) stay hydrated.

Live well;

We all benefit from a healthy lifestyle, not just athletes. Good nutrition and keeping ourselves well mentally and physically pays real dividends. Look up the NHS Live Well website. It covers the basics and beyond very simply. Getting the basics right is pretty much all that’s required for staying as well as possible. Add a little fun; a great meal, the odd pint/ G&T, wearing stilettos, some late nights with friends etc to keep things in perspective.

Ola Pankiw

Registered Foot Health Practitioner

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