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Football crazy

Now it’s football season, I’m treating lots of footballers with ingrowing toenails or painful feet. It’s instant relief having an ingrowing toenail removed but there’s lots you can do prevent these. Take care when trimming toenails not to leave any ragged corners or splinters. These may penetrate your skin/flesh, resulting in pain and sometimes infection. If you can’t trim your own toenails, pop in and let me take over. If you have had an ingrowing toenail removed – PLEASE REST a few days before playing again. The removal site needs to recover and heal; it won’t do this with continued pressure in tight boots and impact to the area. Also, a few days rest is recommended if you have tired, aching, athletic feet. If the pain doesn’t improve, there’s may be an underlying reason. Again, please pop in and we’ll investigate.

Try and wear boots that fit as well as possible whilst allowing you to play. My son Paul, prefers playing in boots which are technically too small for him! My advice is simply, DON’T! Irreparable foot damage can occur in just one session! The same applies to all sports people and their relative footwear. However, if you also do this, remember to wear proper fitting footwear at all other times and pop into my clinic if you experience specific issues.

Ola Pankiw

Registered Foot Health Practitioner

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